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home / Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers
How did you get started writing poetry?
I started writing poetry at the age of 13. I jumped a ditch (I’m a country girl!) and heard a voice whisper words to me. I went into the house and wrote down those words and they came out as poetry. I’ve been writing poetry ever since.
What advice would you have for someone interested in your field?
Focus on the work and your craft. The accolades and career opportunities will come after you do the work. Always look for opportunities to practice and learn more about your craft. Look for ways to evolve and grow as an artist; don’t be afraid to try something new or be uncomfortable. Trust yourself and your process. Don’t overextend yourself; be sure to get rest.
Visit ColumbiaPoet.org to learn more about Jennifer’s role as the Columbia Poet Laureate.
Reading Comprehension
Active Listening
Critical Thinking
Thinking Creatively
Working with Computers
Getting Information
Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work
Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge
American Grant Writers’ Association
American Society of Journalists and Authors
Association of Writers and Writing Programs
National Association of Science Writers
Recording Academy
Creative Writing Courses
Creative Writing
Advanced Creative Writing
Literature Courses
English Literature
World Literature
Communication and Analysis Courses
Public Speaking
Rhetoric and Composition
Art and Design Courses
Visual Arts
Music Theory
Creative and Analytical Courses
Freelance Writer
Content Creator
Library Assistant
Creative Writing Tutor
Literary Magazine Internship
Publishing Internship
Arts Organization Internship
Music Industry Internship
Mentorship with a Published Poet or Writer
Creative Writing Apprenticeship
Songwriting Apprenticeship
Editorial Apprenticeship
Other Learning Opportunities
Online Writing Courses
Join Writing Workshops or Groups
Submit Work to Contests and Publications
Attend Literary Events
Learn more about the Profile of the SC Graduate here.