home / Dancer
home / Dancer
What advice do you have for someone interested in dancing professionally?
Diversify your artistry as much as possible. Begin taking singing and acting lessons. I would also implore them to strengthen their financial literacy. This will prepare them for life in-between jobs as a freelance artist, as well as life after their dance journey is done.
What is your connection to South Carolina?
Columbia is my hometown. My paternal and maternal families still reside in SC (Columbia, Sumter, Spartanburg). The majority of my dance training came from institutions in Columbia, and many of my most cherished memories come from my experiences in SC.
Active Listening
Critical Thinking
Performing General Physical Activities
Getting Information
Performing for or Working Directly with the Public
Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships
Thinking Creatively
Attention to Detail
American Dance Guild
Dance Educators of America
Dance Masters of America
Educational Theatre Association
Dance Technique Courses
Modern Dance
Jazz Dance
Choreography and Performance Courses
Dance Composition
Arts and Humanities Courses
Music Appreciation
Theater Arts
Physical and Health Courses
Physical Education
Anatomy and Physiology
Communication and Creative Courses
Creative Writing
Public Speaking
Dance Instructor’s Assistant
Event Performer
Dance Studio Assistant
Freelance Dancer
Dance Company Internship
Choreography Internship
Dance Production Internship
Arts Administration Internship
Professional Dancer’s Apprenticeship
Choreographer’s Apprenticeship
Dance Studio Apprenticeship
Performance Arts Apprenticeship
Other Learning Opportunities
Dance Classes and Workshops
Attend Dance Performances
Join Dance Companies or Troupes
Create a Dance Portfolio